Steam sauna and bath

Aromatic steam sauna

(in addition to another treatment)
1 pers. EUR 39; 1h

2 pers. EUR 59; 1h

Bath is a healthy treatment to your body. It warms up and relaxes your body, opens the skin pores before the peeling and prepares your skin for the chosen massage or the wrapping treatment. Healthy tea and refreshing drinks will be served.

Soak in an Aroma Bath

(in addition to another treatment)
1 pers. EUR 39; 1h

2 pers. EUR 59; 1h
Soak in a bubble bath with your chosen aromas is an ideal way of relaxation, letting you forget about stress. It purifies your skin and gives you a light massage. A soak in an aroma bath may be a pleasant final element of the chosen treatment. Healthy tea and refreshing drinks will be served.

Aromatic steam sauna and bath soak

in addition to another treatment )
1 pers. EUR 59; 1h
2 pers. EUR 69; 1h
+ any additional person EUR 15 per hour

Additional hours –  EUR 15 per person; 1h




